The iOS version of Notebooks is celebrating its 8th anniversary these days, something we are really proud of. Eight years ago the App Store was brand new with just a few thousand apps. Notebooks was one of them. Today, the App Store offers far more than a million apps, and Notebooks is still among them.

This anniversary is an opportunity to say thanks to all of our users who have been supporting us by purchasing Notebooks, telling others about it, and by providing us with feedback, ideas and requests. What Notebooks is today is very much a product of your feedback and wishes – we could not have planned that ahead.

Our list of ideas and todos is still endless, but we try not to pack everything into new updates just because we can. The feature set is already overwhelming, so we carefully consider how to further extend and improve Notebooks. – And there are the desktop versions of Notebooks which still need to catch up… So with your ongoing support we are looking forward to the years to come.

We are celebrating the anniversary with a special discount of up to 70% on our products.

Thank you all, and have a Merry Christmas.

Celebrating Notebooks’ 8th Anniversary