Version History

New in Notebooks 2.4.3

New in Notebooks 2.4.2

New in Notebooks 2.4.1

  • When using a shared iCloud folder as "Notebooks Home", display name of the user who modified the version (with sort by creation- or modification date selected).
  • Multiple improvements for resolving iCloud conflicts.
  • Handle .url extension like regular bookmarks.
  • Markdown documents don't switch to edit mode when tapping an audio attachment.
  • Contexts: With "Hide Done Tasks" selected, contexts do NOT show done tasks, either.
  • Task settings have a checkbox to toggle "Hide Done Tasks" - in addition to a task list's ••• menu.

New in Notebooks 2.4

iCloud Drive Support

Notebooks 2.4 improves iCloud Drive support and synchronizes with Notebooks for iPad and iPhone (v11):

Conflict Resolution

When working with the same set of documents on multiple devices, it is just a matter of time until a conflict arises. Conflicts occur when the same document is modified in at least two locations without being synchronized. Here is how to resolve these conflicts:

Solarized User Interface

Other Changes and Additions

Formatted Documents

Plain Text



Mermaid Support

Document List


Context Tags


New in Notebooks 2.3.3

Versions 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 were released within just a few hours, so this is the summary for both.

New in Notebooks 2.3.1

This update fixes several issues and introduces a few improvements:
  • Soft Return or shift return is available for formatted documents. Inside a list, soft return creates a newline but not a new bullet, in a paragraph, soft return creates a new line but not a new paragraph.
  • When you create or edit internal links in formatted documents (⌘K), you can now hit the Tab key for suggestions and auto completion.
  • Notebooks tries to create more legible links when pasting a URL into a formatted document.
  • There is a new setting to hide the completion date in task lists.
  • The default Markdown converter supports both definition list styles again (one of them was broken after the latest update) and no longer strips embedded style definitions.
  • You can keep Notebooks from formatting the first line of a Markdown document as title by starting the document with an empty line.
  • Pasting images or screenshots into formatted documents works as expected again.
  • Correctly detect and embed "hard coded" fonts in CSS styles sheets.
  • Compile Documents more carefully collects images that shall be embedded in the final result.
  • Create PDF for a book more reliably embeds images.
  • Correct an issue when displaying email messages.
  • Interface refinements.

New in Notebooks 2.3

Notebooks for Mac 2.3 features a brushed up user interface, is compatible with macOS Big Sur, runs natively on Macs with Apple Silicon, improves Wiki Links and introduces Backlinks, and adds many more improvements and corrections.

A Summary of What's New

New Functionality

User Interface

Formatted Documents

Plain Text


Wiki Links and Backlinks (Plain Text & Markdown)

Wiki links are a quick and easy way of creating internal references to other documents in Notebooks: just add the title of the target document in double brackets. So with [[wiki reference]] you create a link to a document with the title "Wiki Reference"

Notebooks has been supporting [[Wiki Links]] for a while already, and with this update they receive a few corrections and improvements:

An example: Given the link [[ophthalmology]], Notebooks would expect a document Ophthalmology.pdf or Ophthalmology.txt. If no such document exist, Notebooks can resolve the link to the document Handbook of Ophthalmology.pdf, but it could also resolve it to a formatted document which contains the term ophthalmology anywhere in its contents. - This behavior can now be controlled in Notebooks' settings.

Document Styles


New in Notebooks 2.2

Recognize Text in Images and PDF Documents (macOS 10.15)

Search and Filter

Document List


Sharing From Other Apps

Other relevant changes

Formatted documents


Document Themes



New in Notebooks 2.1

Notebooks gibt es jetzt auch auf Deutsch

Extract Tasks from Documents

Define a prefix to mark a line of text as a task and tell Notebooks to extract those tasks from your document. This feature has been part of Notebooks/iOS for a while already. Here is how it works:

Share Items from Other Apps

Notebooks is part of the Share… menu, which is available system wide. Select text, images, text combined with images, files or other items and import them into Notebooks.

By the way: Notebooks also adds a few entries to the Services menu. You can use that to create new documents from selected text (plain text or formatted, optionally stored in the Default Inbox), and one service allows you to append the selected text to the document which currently has the cursor focus in Notebooks. This can be convenient for collecting research material.

Plain Text and Markdown

Formatted Documents


Wiki Links and Links in General

When trying to open a link’s target document and a document with the exact name does not exist, Notebooks applies smarter logic to find an alternative. Here is an example:

Given the link “notebooks://Projects/Documents/Note”, Notebooks now tries to resolve the link in this sequence:

  1. Look for a document “Note” in the book “Projects ⟩ Documents”
  2. Search for “Note” with any extension, like txt, md, jpg etc.
  3. Scan for any filename containing “note”
  4. Peek into editable documents and pick the first one which contains “note”
  5. Ask the user to create the document, provided the original link had an extension of txt, html or Markdown
This strategy provides pretty much freedom and flexibility when creating references across Notebooks.

Documents – Misc Improvements

Document Themes

Document List

The document list’s header has been redesigned for better usability:



Notebooks’ combined filter and search, available from the document list’s footer, has received a few updates as well.

To recap: as you start typing in that field, Notebooks filters the titles of the currently displayed list of documents. When you type return, you start a Spotlight search by title, by content, or both. But hold on: you can then even filter the list of search results by title, which allows you to search the contents of documents for one term, and filter the title by another.

Misc Changes and Improvements

In addition to these changes, Notebooks 2.1 contains numerous small fixes and enhancements.

New in Notebooks 2.0.2

Formatted Documents


Document Styles

Document List




New in Notebooks 2.0.1

Notebooks 2.0.1 addresses a few interface flaws and minor issues reported by our users.

Plain Text

Formatted Documents






New in Notebooks 2.0 (Official Release)

Formatted Documents

Plain Text

Document Themes

Compile Documents

Create PDF

Info View

Document List

New in Notebooks 2.0b16 (GM)

Document Styles (for Formatted Documents)

With this update, Notebooks introduces modified and improved document styles.

For the more technically inclined user: these styles use the @nb_include mechanism introduced a couple of releases ago. They are all based on the Basic theme, which makes sure that Notebooks' settings get applied. Monochrome, for example, includes the Default Theme and just adds a few lines which reset the colors. This way it is very easy to create new themes, and it is even easier to make changes that can apply to multiple themes. - If you want to create your own styles, consider including the Basic theme at the very beginning, too.

Individually set Markdown Converter

Document View

Plain Text Documents

Formatted Documents

Compile Documents

Create eBooks

Task Lists

Document List


Notebooks 2.0b15

Compile Documents

Combine the contents of selected books and documents in a new document.

Create eBook

Produce an eBook (ePub) from selected books and documents.

Clean up Attachments (NBImages)

Images and other files that are attached to formatted documents or Markdown documents are stored in a hidden book NBImages (each book can contain one). To avoid that unused attachments clutter these books, Notebooks regularly checks if attachments are still referenced and removes the ones that are no longer needed. - This check takes place whenever a book is opened.

Context Tags - Improvements

Smart Books

Document List

Document View

Plain Text

Formatted Documents


Notebooks 2.0b14


Document List


PDF Documents


Formatted Documents

Table Support in Formatted Documents

Actions to add and edit tables are currently available from the context menu and via keyboard shortcuts.

Shortcut Action
cmd-alt down arrow add new row
cmd-alt right arrow add new column
cmd-alt up arrow delete current row
cmd-alt left arrow delete current column

Please note that selecting Undo for one of the operations above clears the undo stack for other edit operations in that same table.

Notebooks 2.0b13

Tabbed Windows (macOS 10.13 and above)

Keyboard Shortcuts

With the introduction of tabbed windows we changed one keyboard shortcut (the one for opening the current document in a new window) and added a few new ones:

Shortcut/Combination Action
cmd-alt-Return Open current document in a new tab
Hold alt while selecting Open in New Tab menu Open the tab behind the current one
Hold alt while selecting a recent item from Recent Items menu or Open item in a new tab
an item from the Breadcrumbing menu
cmd-shift-Return Open current document in a new window
Hold shift while selecting a recent item from Recent Items menu or Open item in a new window
an item from the Breadcrumbing menu

Checkboxes in Formatted Documents and Markdown


Plain Text

Formatted Documents


Document List


Repeating Tasks

Info Panel

Fixes and Corrections

Notebooks 2.0b12


Wiki Links


Document List

Formatted Documents

Info View



Notebooks 2.0b11

A few Highlights at a Glance

Documents - General

Formatted Documents

Plain Text



Document List



New Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
cmd-R Show in Finder
cmd-alt-F Activate Filter/Search
cmd-alt-O Toggle Overscrolling

Changed Keyboard Shortcuts

The shortcuts to switch between view modes (three panes - two panes - document only) have changed:

Shortcut Action
cmd-alt-3 Show all three panes
cmd-alt-2 Show document and document list
cmd-alt-1 Show document only

The same actions can be performed from the three buttons in the window's toolbar.

Nested Document Styles

Notebooks now supports nested document styles., which makes it easy to create new styles based on existing ones. The syntax looks like this:

<style type="text/css">

// add the styles' name without path and extension;  
// Notebooks looks at its own styles and at /NBResources/CSS  

@nb_include: "Basic";           
@nb_include: "Default Theme";     

// your own styles go here  


It may be important to know that the styles are embedded – not just referenced – to make sure that the final formatted document can be shared and reused in other applications.

Notebooks' default styles are now based on the Basic style, so in the example above, including Default Theme would actually be sufficient.
You can of course include any other style as well, and it is sufficient to add the style's name; path or file extension are not necessary, Notebooks looks for its embedded styles and for custom styles in /NBResources/CSS.


Notebooks 2.0b10

New: Wiki Style Links

This is an enhancement of how Notebooks' internal links work, which makes it possible to reference documents independent of their file extension, or reference documents before they exist, and to define their titles from within the referencing document.

A brief recap of how to use Notebooks links:

Clicking any of these links opens the referenced/linked document. Up to now, Notebooks displayed an error message if the target did not exist.

With this update we change the way Notebooks handles the situation when a link's target document does not exist. To stick with the above example: notebooks://Projects/

(This is an area that can be much more enhanced, but we leave that for later...)

New: Line Spacing

The line spacing parameter can be set like font, color and other attributes. The global default is set in Notebooks' preferences, but it can be overridden by individual settings for books and documents (info). Line spacing is applied to all editable document types.

Formatted Documents


Printing (enhancements)



Notebooks 2.0b9

Mojave specific changes and corrections (macOS 10.14)

Task Lists

Document List

External Documents (not residing within Notebooks' current hierarchy)

Other Improvements and Changes

Notebooks 2.0b8

New: Fulltext Search for Markdown

Notebooks 2.0b8 enables Spotlight to index the contents of Markdown documents, which macOS cannot do by default. After installing Notebooks 2.0b8 you may notice that your Mac starts indexing your files, which may take a few moments or minutes at most.

New: Option to Hide .plist Files

This new setting in Notebooks' preferences makes all plist files invisible in Finder. When made active, Notebooks immediately hides all existing or added plist files. Turning the setting off reveals the plist files again.

Viewing External Documents in Notebooks

Dropping external files (files that don’t reside in Notebooks' hierarchy) onto the Notebooks icon opens them in a separate window. The documents can be edited in place, taking advantage of Notebooks' functionality. This beta contains a few improvements:

External documents can be moved or copied by dragging the icon in the window’s title bar. So it is easy to move an external document into a specific book in Notebooks simply by dragging that icon, for example.

Full Screen

Full Screen mode in Notebooks is primarily meant to provide a distraction free writing environment and has received a few improvements and convenience methods in this update.

Dark Theme


Document List

Formatted Documents

Plain Text


Notebooks 2.0b7

New: Import From Evernote

To import your Evernote notes and documents into Notebooks just follow these steps:

  1. Export your notes from Evernote in XML format (.enex)
  2. Import the enex file into Notebooks; you probably want to create a new book in Notebooks and drag the enex file into that book, because Notebooks saves the extracted notes in that same book.
  3. In Notebooks, select the enex file and click on Click to extract and import...
  4. Notebooks extracts all notes with attachments, creation date, tags etc.

We would appreciate your feedback on the quality and result of the extraction process, because we were not yet able to extensively test it with a wide variety of documents.


Document List


Document Info


Notebooks 2.0b6

NEW - Support for Services

Selecting text in any macOS application and opening Services from the application menu (or clicking the right mouse button) provides three Notebooks specific services:

New - Support for Fountain document format

This format for screenwriters is handled liked Markdown: the documents are edited as plain text and viewed in their formatted version.

Document View

Printing and PDF Creation

Document List


Info Window

Contexts Tags


Known Issues

When line numbers are active plain text, there is UI glitch when fading header and footer. This will be addressed fro the next update.

Notebooks 2.0b5

Plain Text

Formatted Documents

Editing - General

Context Tags

Outline (left column)

Document List

Info Window

Notebooks Server

Notebooks 2.0b4

Launch Options

Both options can be used as trouble shooting options in case Notebooks refuses to launch.

Use Notebooks with 3, 2 or a single Pane

By default, Notebooks displays a window with 
  1. A hierarchy of books.
  2. A list of documents contained in the book which has been selected in the outline.
  3. A window showing the contents of the document selected in the document list.

If you don't like the separation between the hierarchy of books and the list of documents, select Hide Sidebar from the View menu (or type cmd-alt-S) to switch to a view which combines books and documents in a single column (this layout resembles the iOS version of Notebooks).

To focus on the document, select Hide Columns from the View menu. That option removes both left columns and centers the current document in the remaining window. This is a convenient, distraction free option for writing. 

If you want to navigate to another document without toggling the columns or sidebar, you can simply use the bread crumbing navigation at the top of the document (more on that below).

Fullscreen View

In fullscreen view (cmd-ctrl-F), Notebooks uses your whole screen if any of the two left columns is shown. When you hide both columns to focus on the document, Notebooks presents the document at a with that is comfortable for reading and writing.

You can change the color of the window background  by right-clicking the empty space outside of the document and selecting one of the available options (default, white, gray and black).

Breadcrumbing Navigation

In addition to navigating via the outline of books and the list of documents, you can also navigate via the breadcrumbing path in the title of a document: 
Breadcrumbing can be disabled in the View menu.

Search / Filter

At the bottom of the list of documents (the second column) Notebooks provides a combined search and document filter.
Please note: Notebooks uses macOS Spotlight for search, so  you need to have that enabled on the drive that contains Notebooks' documents.

Open Documents in Separate Windows

To open a document in its own window, use any of these options:
You can combine the separate windows in a single, tabbed window as well (macOS 10.12).


Most actions in Notebooks can be undone with cmd-Z or from the Edit > Undo menu.