Two Major Notebooks Upgrades are On The Way
When it has been quiet here for the past couple of weeks, it is an unmistakable sign that we have been busy working in our labs — as experienced Notebooks users know. It is time to break the silence and provide you with an update on the upcoming major upgrades: Notebooks 12 for iPad and iPhone, and Notebooks 3 for Mac.
Update: The upgrades have been released on July 25, 2022

- The new versions welcome you with a fresh App Icon, refined book and document icons and a modernized appearance.
- With a simple gesture you can mark books and documents as Favorites, which adds them to a new smart book at Notebooks’ top level. Favorites are like a shortcut to items you need to access frequently, or a quick collection of items you want to temporarily group together for creating an eBook or a PDF, for example.
- You can pin documents to the top of the list, independent of the selected sort order. On an iPad, Notebooks can automatically display a book’s first pinned item as index or default document.
- It is easier than ever to select any book within Notebooks as Default Inbox. The inbox appears as a smart book, so even a deeply nested inbox is quickly available from the top level. Notebooks also uses different inboxes for different storage locations.
- The Apple Watch App is much improved. It offers Complications for quick access, and it lists your Favorites and the contents of your Inbox, too. While notes display as plain text, Notebooks can lay out, indent and colorize the text if you want. And if you add or append to notes from your watch, Notebooks automatically extracts context tags.
- Internal link and Wiki links resolve even smarter. With just a title or part of a filename given, Notebooks can find the target, no matter where it is located. So you are no longer forced to enter the full path – although you still can.
- Notebooks now supports Automatic Link Management. This makes sure that links don’t break when you move or rename books and documents.
- Documents can have Backlinks, which makes it easy to see which other documents are referencing or mentioning them.
- To enter the full path for a link, hit or tap the TAB button for a list of auto complete suggestions. This makes it much easier to add the path to any document within Notebooks.
- The same auto complete is available for context tags, too.
- If you are into screen writing you will be happy to hear that Notebooks now supports Final Draft documents. They display in a perfectly rendered layout, including scene numbers.
- The full list of changes and additions it huge, but we will save that for later. Suffice to say that there are countless other changes and improvements which make using Notebooks even more comfortable and pleasant.
Now you probably want to know when the upgrades will become available and if you need to pay for them. As the latest paid upgrade was less than a year ago, we decided to make Notebooks 12 a free upgrade for users of Notebooks 10 and above, and Notebooks 3 a free upgrade for users of Notebooks 2. We might add a Buy us a Coffee option to Notebooks‘ in app purchases, though 😉