View Documents Full Screen and Hide the Left Column (iPad)

When you use Notebooks in Column View (the default), the list of books and documents is shown in the left frame, the selected document in the right. If you want to view the document full screen you can quickly hide

Remove the Background Pattern from Plain Text Documents

To disable the background pattern in plain text you just need to select a plain white background color instead of the pattern. You can make the change in Notebooks’ settings (paper type & colors) as general default, but you can

How can I Activate Phone Numbers to be Called from Notebooks?

Phone numbers, URLs, email addresses, addresses and calendar events can be shown as clickable links in Notebooks’ documents. Most of these links are disabled by default to keep the text readable, but you can selectively activate each of them in

Strange Symbols When Inserting Photos in Plain Text

Plain text – by definition – cannot display formatted text or multimedia elements. When you use any of the formatting buttons or try to insert an image into a plain text document, Notebooks adds Markdown code, which may look strange