This update fixes several incompatibilities with iOS 7.

  • Integration with TextExpander is available again.
  • In formatted documents, the extra keyboard options work as expected (timestamps, photos, paragraph formats etc.).
  • The popup menus for format, color and highlighting appear at the correct position.
  • When defining extra keyboard keys it could have happened that a key is assigned to the wrong set. This has been corrected.

A few unexpected effects remain, like the missing progress bar during synchronization, the current inability to select a SyncDocs server and a few animation effects (the keyboard hides and shows more often than previously). These are due to a few fundamental changes in iOS 7, and we are still looking for the best alternatives.

In the last update we unfortunately broke the editing capabilities of formatted documents on iPads running iOS 5. This has been fixed as well.

Notebooks 6.1.1 (iOS)