Another minor update to fix a few issues on devices running on iOS 7.

  • The crashes when opening a book’s info are fixed.
  • The progress bar during synchronization is back again.
  • Synchronization with SyncDocs has been restored.
  • Pinch & zoom for text has been improved (especially when using indented lists or Markdown highlighting).
  • The word counter no longer disappears.
  • Tasks’ due dates default to “today” again.
  • Typing an external keyboard’s eject key to show and hide the onscreen keyboard or rotating the device while using an external keyboard no longer leaves you with an incomplete layout.

By the way: we are currently very busy finalizing an iOS 7 optimized version of Notebooks

Notebooks 6.1.2 (iOS)

2 thoughts on “Notebooks 6.1.2 (iOS)

  • November 3, 2013 at 7:08 pm

    Hi Alfons,

    re: no full-screen for photos

    I’ve been using NB since my first iPhone (however long ago Apple’s first iPhone was.) Now NB 6.1.2, IOS 7.0.2., iPhone 4S, MacOS 10.8. I’m not sure when it happened – which update of NB or IOS – but full screen photos seem to be no more. NB has been my “Swiss Army knife” for all kinds of docs, including a small collection (maybe 100) well-organized (thank you, NB) photos that I often like to see or show. Unless I’ve missed something in the NB settings or in your online guide, it appears to be time for me to move my photos out of NB, to some other app that will display them full screen. Please tell me that I missed something – or that full screen photos will return in the next update.

    • November 4, 2013 at 11:12 am

      Hi Marty,

      actually, we did not change that. You can still switch to full screen by tapping the document or photo once with two fingers; you advance to the next photo/document with a swipe gesture, and when you want to leave fullscreen mode, just tap again once with two fingers. – Doesn’t that work for you?


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