When iCloud Sync Seems Stuck (iOS)

Sometimes, especially after iOS/iPadOS upgrades, Notebooks may indicate that a huge number of documents needs to be synchronized. As a side effect, and due to the nature of iCloud sync, Notebooks may become slow or fail to display documents. This

Notebooks and “Dropbox for macOS 12”

Dropbox‘ recent upgrade introduced a few fundamental changes regarding its storage location. Most importantly, Dropbox no longer stores its documents in Home/Dropbox – or which ever folder you chose -, but instead needs to use Home/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox. For convenience, you reach

Synchronize Through iCloud Drive

With an active iCloud account, Notebooks can store your documents on iCloud and automatically synchronize them to all connected devices. When set up this way, Notebooks uses a predefined folder on iCloud Drive (iCloud Drive/Notebooks), so you should not create that folder yourself.

Dropbox Device Limit and Notebooks

A few months ago, Dropbox introduced a device limit for their free accounts. Users may only link up to three devices with their Dropbox account at any time. At first glance one might think that Notebooks users are now limited

Automatic Sync with WebDAV Servers

Question: Why doesn’t Notebooks provide automatic sync with WebDAV servers, just as it does with Dropbox? Contrary to Dropbox, a WebDAV server does not allow us to poll its contents to quickly find out what has changed. So Notebooks needs

Exclude Selected Books from Synchronization (iOS, Dropbox)

Notebooks allows you to selectively disable Dropbox sync for books or individual documents. You exclude an item from sync by turning off the Sync Dropbox switch in its info. A possible scenario is when you have a huge collection of

Import Content from the Internet

Notebooks offers multiple options to import documents from different sources or apps. Some of them are summarized in an extra blog post.

Sync Notebooks with Scrivener (iOS to Mac)

If you use Scrivener 2 for your writing projects, there is an easy and convenient way of syncing your projects with Notebooks. You find all the details at https://www.literatureandlatte.com/blog/?p=157, but here is a summary of what to do: set up