With the introduction of Drag & Drop in iOS 11, you can use this convenient feature in Notebooks (8.7 and above) as well. Drag and Drop is widely available on iPads, but limited on iPhones, so you get the most
Use Siri with Notebooks
Starting with iOS 11, you can ask Siri to perform certain tasks in Notebooks. The screenshot below shows a few examples. For example phrases in your language, just launch Siri and tap the question mark in the lower left corner.
View Documents Full Screen and Hide the Left Column (iPad)
When you use Notebooks in Column View (the default), the list of books and documents is shown in the left frame, the selected document in the right. If you want to view the document full screen you can quickly hide
Can Notebooks be Password Protected? (iOS)
You can protect selected documents, hierarchies of books and even the whole contents of Notebooks. If your device supports Touch-ID, you can unlock your documents with your fingerprint. All the details are available from a separate page.
How To Delete the Default Documents That Come with Notebooks (iOS)
Q: I’d like to delete “About Notebooks”, “Getting Started” and “What’s New “, but the delete function will not remove these documents. The default document are write protected; to delete them, open their info and turn off write protection. You
Can I Restore a Deleted Document or Book?
When deleting books or documents from Notebooks (iOS), they move the a Trash by default. It is easy to restore them from that trash again. Notebooks provides a couple of settings to control how long items should remain in the trash,
How can I Activate Phone Numbers to be Called from Notebooks?
Phone numbers, URLs, email addresses, addresses and calendar events can be shown as clickable links in Notebooks’ documents. Most of these links are disabled by default to keep the text readable, but you can selectively activate each of them in
View Two Documents Side by Side (iPad)
On an iPad, Notebooks allows you to view two documents side by side. Please do not confuse that with iOS’ multitasking view, which runs two apps side by side. In Notebooks you can open, view and edit two documents. Here